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I'm a professional wanting to make a referral to LDASS

Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Specialist Service (LDASS) provides specialist support and assistance to individuals and families in Lincolnshire experiencing domestic abuse.

We provide:

A support hub and helpline, offering advice and guidance on a range of situations and signposting to relevant services.

Specialist support for adults, children and young people. The aim is to increase safety and enable them to achieve identified support outcomes, improve their well-being and promote recovery.

Recovery support is an additional up to 8 weeks of service intervention for victims with certain circumstances following the conclusion of their Adult Specialist Intervention or IDVA Support.

Online support and advice for the victims, residents and professionals of Lincolnshire

IDVA support for victims at highest risk of serious harm  – Referrals to MARAC cannot be made through LDASS. All victims determined to be at high risk of harm should be referred to the MARAC in order to manage their risk in accordance with the MARAC Operating Protocol.

An outreach and engagement team that provides proactive early interventions, targeting communities and individuals who may face barriers to accessing domestic abuse services.

Make a referral to Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Specialist Service 

Access our online professionals referral form here  Once you have submitted the online referral, the system will give you the option to receive a PDF copy of your completed referral which will be emailed to you.

All referrals should be made using the online referral form. The URL Link has also been provided below. This will also take you straight to the professional referral form and can also be saved as a bookmark for ease of access.

 As per the new criteria of the service, you will not be able to submit the referral form online without a completed DASH being attached.

The DASH form and guidance notes can be accessed via the Professionals Hub. Alternatively, the DASH form can be downloaded here.

Criteria for LDASS referral

Adult Service Users (16 years and over) will be eligible for specialist support interventions should any of the following features be identified by referring professionals:

 -  Stalking/Harassment, a pattern of repeated unwanted, behaviour that causes a person to change their routine or feel afraid, nervous or in danger.

- Current physical abuse, violence, or threatening behaviour.

- Sexual violence and abuse

- Repeated emotional/psychological abuse

- A pattern of controlling/coercive behaviour

- Potential Honour Based Violence and/or Female Genital Mutilation 

- Threats to kill / arson

- Financial abuse

A DASH must be attached when submitting the referral, the system will not allow you to submit without a DASH.

The service will attempt to contact the victim 4 times, if unsuccessful after the 4th attempt the referral will be closed and the referrer will be notified.  

Top 10 Tips for Making a Referral:

  1. Obtain explicit consent from the victim before making the referral.
  2. Conduct the DASH risk assessment in a private environment without the perpetrator present. Refer to DASH guidance. 
  3. Inform the victim about the information recorded on the referral form and DASH, as this will be shared with them. If there is specific information that should not be shared, indicate it on the referral form.
  4. Do not use family or friends as interpreters.
  5. Be mindful of the presence of children over the age of two who may report back to the perpetrator. Avoid sensitive discussions in front of them.
  6. Be aware that the perpetrator may be listening to the conversation if the victim is holding a mobile phone during the meeting.
  7. Discuss safety planning with the victim and refer to safety planning guidelines. Call 999 in case of emergency.
  8. If children or adults are at risk, refer to your organisation's procedures for children and adults at risk and make a referral to Children's or Adult Services.
  9. Determine what your agency can do to help the victim be safe and which other agencies to contact.
  10. Ask if the victim wants further support or information to take away and ensure they have a safe place to keep it. Inform the client about the option to cover their internet tracks when accessing domestic abuse websites. See our technology safety tips here


Remember, if you download or save a document that you don't want anyone else to see, delete it and then remove it from your recycle/trash.